NRDS Human Resource Development Center
NRDS envisages a fairer society based on equity and justice, where potentials of every individual will be bloomed, rights of every individual will be honored and environment of the mother earth will be safeguarded. We believe that the real capacity of the individual dependent on the access to education and training. In order to reach the vision, NRDS felt that it isimperative to create a learning environment for the organization through an effective human resource development process.

NRDS established its Human Resource Development Center in Binodpur to build the capacity of its program participants and staff members through research and training. The center provides all facilities for training, workshop and seminar for the interested institution and organizations and offer courses for institutions interested to send trainees to learn sustainable development and human rights issues. The HRD Centre has residential facilities for trainees equipped with modern training facilities.
NRDS-HRDC conduct training courses for development workers and rights activists on various subject like Sustainable Development, Sustainable Agriculture, Entrepreneurship Development,Design & Product Development,Organization and Management, Human rights and just governance etc.
The HRD Center provides service to the development organizations and other interested agencies to use the venue and services. Special tailor made courses are also developed by the NRDS trainer team for interested groups.
Facilities available in the center:
1. Training Room for 36 participants
2. Conference Room for 80 participants
3. Accommodations for 34 person
4. Food and snacks as per requirement
Please click here for Service Charge and chart rate.
Dotterhat, Noakhali 3800
Hafez Ahmed Babu
Tel: +880-2334433529, +880-2334433516
Mobile: +8801713161202