The honorable ambassador of Spain visit Ewazbalia Livelihood activities of marginalized farmers.

The honorable ambassador of Spain visit Ewazbalia Livelihood activities of marginalized farmers, Union Council and NRDS


The honorable ambassador of Spain visit Ewazbalia Livelihood activities of marginalized farmers.
The honorable ambassador of Spain visit Ewazbalia Livelihood activities of marginalized farmers.

During their visit they meet with two Village Livelihood Organizations at the village of East and West Ewazbalia. All the members of the village organizations warmly received the visiting team at their organization office house. The honorable ambassador asked the village organization members about how they are feeling and receiving the project activities. He also wants to know several things from the community people. Such as, what they learn from their meeting, what technology they want to use for their agricultural production. In their reply the village organization members express their happiness about the project activities.

They shared their learning from the agricultural learning session such as using of compost fertilizer, seed preservation process, preparation of bed for cultivation etc. They answered to use big tractor for cultivation of land. The AECID team wants to know about the women representation and their leadership, their savings activities, present and future business. The members of the village livelihood organizations in their reply answered that the men women numbers are almost equal in their organization, their savings amount now about thirty thousand and they deposit the amount at bank. Already thy have started a business on rental land cultivation by power triler and a theresurer machine with the support of the project. They are planning to start more business for the next.


The honorable ambassador of Spain visit Ewazbalia Union Council.
The honorable ambassador of Spain visit Ewazbalia Union Council.

The visiting members want to know about the role of village organization members on women rights and violence against women issues. The members told that they will protect any violence against women combined and let it know to the union council for remedy. They are encouraging the women leadership among their members and they believe some of them are very potential. One of the village organization’s members Sadia Begum Marjahan impressed the visiting team by her response at the discussion.

Before the village livelihood organization visit the Spanish visiting team went to the environment friendly improve cooking stove production centre which is a collective business effort of the federation of all village livelihood organization. The honorable ambassador and his visiting team appreciate for this venture has taken by the village livelihood organization leaders which they achieved by creating linkage with other organization.


After that the team visits the Ewazbalia Union Council and they sit in to a discussion meeting with the full council at the council hall room. The Upazila Nirbahi Officer also present at the meeting. The council welcomes the visiting team with flower. The Chairmen, secretary and members of the union council describe their activities and the support they get from the project to the visiting team. They mentioned about the support on Open budget declaration and its publication, ward level planning, citizen charter display board, activation of standing committees of the council and the trainings they received from NRDS through the project.

The honorable ambassador of Spain visit development activities of NRDS
The honorable ambassador of Spain visit development activities of NRDS

The team wants to know how the number of female councilor can increase. The board of council mentioned that it can be increased by the straight election process for the next and by this time women leadership have to be developed. The people of the union, civil society, social and political activist were present at the meeting.

After the meeting the team visit shortly to the Union Association office at Union Council and then they visit ICT centre of the council and they wants to know about the services providing this centre. The honorable ambassador himself operates the online system of the centre.


Lastly the team came to NRDS office at Maijdee. They meet with NRDS staff members and a presentation on power point about NRDS and the project was describe to them by the Chief Coordinator Mr. Abdul Awal of NRDS. After lunch the visiting team starts to Dhaka. The visiting express their satisfaction for the visit a thanks to all for the cooperation regarding the visit and the NRDS members also thanks to the Honorable Ambassador and the representatives of the AECID for their visit. Earlier the team came to Maijdee in the evening of 19 January after the visit from Comilla BARD.